Teacher Life Blog

A Teacher Mama on Maternity Leave


Happy New Year!!! It is officially 2023!!!

The last 4 months have been a true blessing. I have been on maternity leave with my precious third baby girl.

Meet Yezlanna Xiqira Herrada– the apple of our eyes who caught us by surprise on January 12th, 2022 (my second daughter’s birthday) when I ended up in a total “movie moment." I had right lower abdominal pain and immediately thought appendicitis, so my husband takes me to the ER just for the ER doctor to come back an hour later to say: “Solved! That lower abdominal pain you’re feeling is because you're pregnant.” *insert shocked GIF here*

It started off with some complications and scares, but by 20 weeks we were super healthy! What we didn’t expect was for her to be exactly what our family needed.

After 9 longggg tiring months (i.e., surviving a third trimester during the HOT Florida summer and teaching my butt off until the last possible minute before labor pains) I got to experience the birth of my dreams. A BEAUTIFUL non-medicated water birth at home with the absolute best team around alongside my hubby, daughters and dear friend.

(Thank you One Love Doula Services, Dura Mater Midwifery and UMA Midwifery)

We instantly all fell in love with Yezlanna, AKA Yezy.

And our family of 5, now made up of three girls, feels complete. #girlmom

I immediately started my maternity leave and this teacher mama FINALLY got to take a break after having worked all school year and summer. It felt amazing.

The last 4 months have been a wonderful experience. I have been bonding with our newest addition, spending quality time with my other daughters, and focusing on my self-care. This leave allowed me to re-evaluate my next steps in my educational career, such as: working on my Elementary Mathematics masters degree, becoming a private tutor, and creating resources for my TPT store.

I have also been able to discover some new interests of mine: web/brand designing and marketing.

(Check out: Peace of Mind Services and Oscar Herrada | Data Analyst)

Which is quite refreshing considering I have my big 30th birthday next month (woohoo, 1993 babies!) and it is always nice to develop and grow as we encounter a new phase in our lives.

So although I am returning back to the classroom in one short week after a MUCH needed leave with my baby, I am both excited and sad.

I am excited to get back to doing what I love most, yet sad to change the routine of spending my days with my baby.

But I am so grateful to have utilized my maternity leave to rest, reflect, and reset.


Check out my amazing birth team:

Yamel Belen- RN, Doula & IBCLC

Jennifer "Bennett" Osorio- LM,CPM

Zulgeil "Zul" Ruiz Ginés- CPM