Teacher Life Blog

Meet the Teacher Husband


I think our greatest motivator to succeed at our goals should be ourselves. We wouldn't be able to accomplish anything without self advocacy and self motivation. BUT... sometimes we reach points in our lives where we need an outsider to support and/or push us in the right direction when we lose sight of our path. Someone to believe in us when we become weary of ourselves. It may be a parent, grandparent, sibling, spouse, relative, friend or some type of role model... for me that person has been my husband- Oscar Herrada.

Since the very beginning of my educational career my greatest cheerleader has been Oscar. In high school, where we met, he became my competitor to keep me motivated during my first experiences with anxiety. He pushed me to take A.P. classes which helped me recieve my Bright Futures Scholarship. When I decided to attend the local community college for my Associate's, he supported my decision and would stay up late, by my side, as I wrote papers or studied for exams. As my Associates came to an end... he convinced me to attend my graduation. It felt silly at the time but to him, even the "smallest" of accomplishments should be celebrated, so that we did.

During my break between community college and transferring to my hometown university to complete my Bachelors degree, we found out we were expecting. I was devastated at the thought of starting university classes and having to leave my newborn. So I began researching alternatives that offered remote learning so that I could accomodate being home with my baby and continuing my education. He supported me in the sacrifice of attending Western Governors University (even when I felt like this would be less meaningful than having attended a well-known university. Wow, was I wrong!)

During the time that should have only taken TWO years to complete my undergraduate degree, and while enjoying our newest addition, our family went through the hardest of times: Oscar (my rock) hit a depression. The next "two years" of my undergrad career became 3 & 1/2 years with countless times of academic failures and near drop-outs. Through all the challenges and waivering faith that I would earn my Bachelors degree, Oscar kept reminding me of all my successes and all the hard work that I had already invested. He would always let me know that if I truly felt like throwing in the towel... that it would be okay. Though he would always remind me of how proud he was of the accomplishments I had reached so far and how he KNEW that I would make it.

After a total of 6 & 1/2 years from start to finish... I SUCCEEDED and graduated with my Bachelors in Elementary Education in December 2019 while we were expecting babygirl #2. We planned for me to stay home with the baby from January until fall of 2020 so that I could start as a new teacher during a new school year. (What else could go wrong? Cue... Coronavirus Pandemic March 2020!!!)

During the pandemic, I hit a slight bout of postpartum and Oscar was there yet again to help me through it. He encouraged me to find a way to remain connected to my field so I began teaching English online across seas which became my first teaching experience and brought me joy. In April of 2020 I began virtual interviews for the following school year and with the amazing support and words of encouragement from Oscar before joining the Zoom call, I landed my first teaching position as a fourth grade teacher within my second interview.

This is when the role of "Teacher Husband" began. Man, oh man, does Mr. Herrada make the BEST teacher husband. He spent all of that summer shopping at Dollar Tree, Staples, Target, and Michaels with me. He helped me create my Amazon Wishlist. AND convinced me to buy the Cricut Air Explore I had been longing to get because... "you're a teacher, you are going to need this to create all kinds of things for your classroom." Yup, he was 100% right! He helped pack up the car during my first week of pre-planning but, unlike we had always hoped and dreamed of him helping me decorate and set up my first classroom, he couldn't enter into the school due to Covid restrictions. He still spent each day on the phone/FaceTime with me as I set up though.

Throughout my first year, he came to my rescue as the "teacher husband" dozens of times. Last minute ice cream celebration? He'd come during my lunch time with it. I forgot my lunch/ laptop/ materials for an activity? No worries, he got it. Treasure box treats to refill on a Friday? He'd go shopping and provide. Lesson planning late on a Sunday night? He'd be there by my side. E.O.Y taco bar? He'd cook 3 pounds of beef the night before for my students to enjoy the next day. (Oh, and my students made sure to tell me to thank Mr. Herrada for coming through!)

Year 2 of teaching has proven quite the same except he helped me set up my classroom by reaching those high up spaces (I'm 4' 10" and he's 6' lol) and he has showed up for conference nights with Starbucks in hand. He has hugged me and supported me on the hard days when I question everything, with reminders of all the hard work and passion I demonstrate in this profession. He has celebrated me on all the good days when I feel like I am winning as an educator and building meaningful relationships or delivering a profound lesson. Having my "teacher husband" has made being a teacher so enjoyable. Why? Because I have Mr. Herrada as my support through the good, the bad, and the countless stories about "my kids" that he is ready to hear the minute I get home. Oh, and the "educating little minds" logo and business? ALL his idea... but I'll explain that another day! 😉
